
Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

steps to overcome the acne

Tips and How To Eliminate Acne naturally fast and proven by many people, the face is one part of our body's most sensitive and most visible, then what would happen if acne came, what would you do ..? definitely want to immediately cope with the rapid and definite usually choose the natural way, because the risk is very small compared with facial treatments that use chemicals.

for those who have a nice face and a lot of acne is a thing which is probably not a big problem because it does not feel it, but for those who are infected with acne, how to treat acne to disappear quickly and do not cause harmful side effects, which could reduce our beauty especially the women.

well here are some expert tips from experts that you can see and you see clearly and the most important thing is to practice it.
Aloe Vera - Aloe Vera acne eliminate

Take a leaf aloe vera, cut into several sections, peel the outer skin, apply on the acne that appears, and repeat the act in this way every morning and evening. If you are patient enough, acne may be able to dry up and flake off for 3 days. Besides aloe vera is also able to eliminate stubborn acne scars. Again the key is only one, painstaking!
Egg White - Egg White kill acne with

How do I? It's easy. Separate the egg yolks and egg whites take it. Whisk briefly and then apply to face and let stand for 15 minutes. Egg white will help reduce the oil on the face that often causes acne.
Toothpaste - Toothpaste kill acne with

One thing to note here that used toothpaste is shaped pasta (such as toothpaste) rather than a gel form (such as Close Up). The trick is almost the same both ways on the premises. Apply toothpaste to the acne and other parts around the pimples before sleeping. Let sit overnight / until morning and then rinse with clean water.
Garlic - Garlic kill acne with

There are two options in using garlic for eliminate acne. First with two or more mashing garlic until smooth enough then applied to the face with acne. Let stand for 10 minutes then rinse. While the second way is to take one or more of garlic every day. Many say this is quite efektif both ways, but for those of you who do not like the smell of garlic may be better to take another way. Do not worry there are many other natural ways which I will explain below.
Tomatoes - Tomatoes relieve

acne with

The fruit of this one apart is good for eye health are also quite effective at removing black comedones (blackheads). The first thing to do is slice the tomatoes in half and rub over the face with acne and leave on for 15 minutes - 1 hour and then rinse.
Lemon / Lime Water + Roses - eliminate acne with Lemon

Lemon, orange juice and fruits contain citric acid countrymen are very rich, in which citric acid is very good to move the cells of dead skin that can cause acne. The way is by mixing the juice / lemon juice with rose water and apply on face and leave for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water. The application of this therapy regularly and consistently for 15 days will give a quite remarkable result (already proved many, including me).

Actually there are many ways to eliminate acne naturally but in a way above when you try may be succeed.

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